Monday, March 16, 2009

Study, Study, Study

I'm committed. 1 1/2 months from now I'm taking the PHR. 3 months from now I should be taking the FSOT. That means the next few months will be dedicated to preparation for both tests.

Luckily, I have already taken prep classes for the PHR so all I need to do for that is review. As for the FSOT, I've already downloaded the study guide and started requesting books from the recommended reading list. I took the practice test that came with the study guide and it helped relieve some of my worries. I think if I take the time to review things like history, grammar rules, business, and stay up on current events I should be okay. The tests cover a lot of areas, and they can't possibly expect anyone to be an expert on all of them. It contains a lot of information so I can see why so many people recommend it.

The same goes for the book Realities of Foreign Service Life. Far from scaring me away with the often sad stories, the book only increased my desire to join. Two big things I have learned from it: It's hard to be in the foreign service with children and anything involving food is important. It also helped me feel more confident about dragging my husband along. My husband wants to do freelance writing and editing and that's probably one of the easier careers to tag along with a foreign service spouse. I've already ordered the second book and I look forward to a lot of reading over the next few months. Good thing I'm such a bibliophile.

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